Sunday, December 29, 2019

Steve Paul Jobs And The Legend Behind The Apple Company

Behind the Apple â€Å"Steve Paul Jobs† Who was Steve Paul Jobs? Was Steve Jobs always the Man, the Myth and the Legend behind the Apple Company? What lead Jobs to his dreams, his beliefs, and his fortune? Steve Jobs his fall from Grace to his reinvention of the Apple Company. Steven Paul â€Å"Steve† Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 to a young lady by the name of Joanne Schieble. She had Jobs at the age of twenty-three while attending graduate school. Schieble father didn’t agree with her having a child outside of marriage, so she headed to San Francisco to live with a Doctor who took care of unwed mothers and arranged adoptions. Even though Schieble wanted Steve to be adopted by college educated people the family that was going to adopted him changed their minds. Clara and Paul Jobs a couple from San Francisco with barely a high school education adopted Steve Jobs. Jobs was a curious, awkward child growing up. Some of his teachers thought of him as a troublemaker that always caused havoc. Job’s father noticed that he enjoyed taking things apart and putting them back together. His father which was a carpenter stress to him how important it is to do things correctly. His father’s craftsmanship and commitment to details made Jobs more obsessed with design and perfection. Jobs was so intelligent that he was able to skip the fifth grade and transferred to the sixth grade at Crittenden Middle School in Mountain Vice. Job was a loner and often bullied, he gave hisShow MoreRelatedBehind The Apple : Steve Paul Jobs1192 Words   |  5 Pages â€Æ' Behind the Apple â€Å"Steve Paul Jobs† Who was Steve Paul Jobs? Was Steve Jobs always the Man, the Myth and the Legend behind the Apple Company? What lead Jobs to his dreams, his beliefs, and his fortune? Steve Jobs his fall from Grace to his reinvention of the Apple Company. 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No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage orRead MoreProject Managment Case Studies214937 Words   |  860 Pagesstudies. I. Title. Printed in the United States of America Contents Preface xi 1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT METHODOLOGIES 1 Lakes Automotive 3 Fems Healthcare, Inc. Clark Faucet Company 2 5 7 11 IMPLEMENTATION OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT Kombs Engineering 13 Williams Machine Tool Company 15 Wynn Computer Equipment (WCE) 17 The Reluctant Workers 20 Hyten Corporation 22 Macon, Inc. 35 Continental Computer Corporation 37 Goshe Corporation 43 Acorn Industries 49 MIS Project Management

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Great Recession of 2007 Job Discrimination in the...

In December of 2007, the United States entered a recession that was ignited by the global financial crisis. A recession is a period of decline in economic activity. The Great Recession, as Americans referred to the recession of 2007, was the longest recession since the Great Depression (Homan Matthews , 2008). With inflation occurring and the housing market in shambles, Americans struggled to live during this horrific period in U.S. history. Millions of Americans are out of work, and U.S. companies are hesitant to hire employees. Lawmakers change financial policies to provide recovery to the country. The financial bailout is used to aid banks and states to build infrastructure. The Federal Reserve is printing money at an all-time high†¦show more content†¦Disparate treatment and disparate impact are two types of discrimination. Illegal discrimination allow for people to be mistreated and violated in a work environment. HR management must focus on discrimination to reduce th e amount of Equal Employment Opportunity complaints. Discrimination can against race, gender, age, individuals with disabilities, religion, marital status, military experience, and sexual orientation (Mathis Jackson , 2009). The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was for race and origin discrimination. Employers can violate the EEO laws about race by refusing to hire a person due to their ethnicity. The EEO laws were set in place specifically for race because America is so diverse. The Civil Rights Act of 1991 keeps employers from using a protected category to recruit and select. Affirmative action requires businesses to hire diverse individuals. Women have endured discrepancies because of their gender. The Equal Pay Act of 1963 calls for women and men pay scales to be equal. Although women have some protection from this law, the act does not prevent all discrimination due to four justifications of pay differences. Workers that are over the age of 40 experience discrimination in work environ ments. Age discrimination has been prevented by the passing of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (Esola, 2010). Selection and promotion practices must not consider age. Despite numerous EEO laws and regulations, jobShow MoreRelatedBusiness Analysis Part Iii Essay1297 Words   |  6 Pagesthe local, state, and national level play a part in the success and failure of a business. The downturn of the economy causes consumers to spend less and seek better bargains for the money they spend. This causes companies to be in a unique situation. Companies have to make the decision to increase prices or to let employees go to keep their businesses alive. 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This time period, now being called the Great Recession, is still to this day taking an effect on our economy. A financial crisis is

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Cryptocurrencies Strategic Management Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Cryptocurrencies Strategic Management. Answer: Introduction: Cryptocurrency The globalisation of the business world has been bringing a tremendous change in the market in terms of technology. Cryptocurrency is one such technological innovation that is paving the way for online transactions. Cryptocurrencies have become a global phenomenon and a lot of people are making heavy investment in mining and purchasing different types of cryptocurrencies (Blockgeeks, n.d.). A cryptocurrency is a digital asset that can be bought, sold and traded through online sources. Cryptocurrencies are now being used for online transactions as many business organisations have started accepting cryptocurrencies as a mode of online payment. In simple words, cryptocurrency is defined as a form of digital money that is anonymous in most of the cases and is designed to be secure (McGoogan Field, 2017). There have been a number of cryptocurrencies that have become famous with the passage of time. Some of them are bitcoin, litecoin, ethereum, Zcash, Dash, Monero, etc. (Bajpai, 2017) Bitcoin Bitcoin is one of the most famous cryptocurrencies throughout the world and is paving the way for the future of digital payment system. Bitcoin has also been called the first ever decentralised digital currency as it works without the requirement of a central repository or a single administrator. Bitcoin was developed by Satoshi Nakamoto and was released as an open source software in 2009. Bitcoin acts as a peer-to-peer system as the transactions between two users takes place without an intermediator. All the transactions occurring in terms of bitcoins are verified by network nodes and are recorded in a blockchain, which is a public distributed ledger. The table given below shows the present value of 1 bitcoin in terms of USD and how this value has been fluctuating since 2013. The following graph shows the rise and fall in the values of some famous cryptocurrencies: A table showing the prices of different cryptocurrencies, as of 2017, is given below: Bitcoin (Price in USD) Ripple (Price in USD) Ethereum (Price in USD) June, 2017 2,420.7 0.24390 387.87 July, 2017 2,856.0 0.16300 156.03 August, 2017 4,718.2 0.25880 279.86 September, 2017 4,367.0 0.19903 254.32 October, 2017 5,639.8 0.27563 328.87 Satoshi Nakamotos paper on Bitcoin The paper prepared by Satoshi Nakamoto provides an opportunity to understand the overall working of bitcoin as a peer-to-peer electronic cash system. He talks about the need of a system that would have allowed two parties to directly carry out transactions with each other, without the need of a trusted their party to authenticate the transaction, which helped in the invention of bitcoins. In his paper on bitcoin, he has discussed the working of a bitcoin transaction and how it helped in achieving the desired goals. To achieve his goals, Satoshi designed a system that could make transactions possible without relying on trust, while the only problem in the system was the fear of double spending. To deal with double spending, they designed a network that worked as a peer-to-peer network while all the transactions were recorded in a public history. The transaction quickly becomes computationally impractical for a hacker to solve if all the honest nodes control a majority of CPU power. The system of nodes and bitcoin transactions was designed in such a way that it would become difficult for hackers to steal payments. Further, the design made it possible that the hackers are able to earn a profit only if they play by the rules and not by undermining the systems or stealing from others. Further, the system of bitcoin transactions designed in such a way that the probability of a hacker succeeding in his vicious motives drops down exponentially with the addition of each honest node in the bitcoin networ k. Therefore, bitcoin was designed as a system that would allow to build trust during transactions between two parties without having to depend on a trusted third party for authenticating the transaction. Resources and capabilities required to mine cryptocurrencies Bitcoin mining is a process that is used to extract value from bitcoins. The people who mine bitcoins are the backbone of the entire bitcoin network as they are the ones who secure the network and assist in processing bitcoin transactions. Bitcoin miners achieve this by using a set of complex hardware, which allows them to solve computational problems and chain together blocks of transactions (Tuwiner, 2017). Bitcoin mining is a process where the miners compete with all the other miners involved in the network, while their competitiveness is based on the hardware capabilities of their computer systems. The hardware requirements for a mining bitcoins can largely vary for small home users and large factory users. First of all, large factory users as well as small home users require a hi-tech computer system with some top notch hardware to assemble a mining rig. Three of the most important hardware required to build a mining rig are a graphic card, a power supply and a mother board while the rest of the hardware includes a CPU, RAM, Hard Drive and a computer case (Cryptosource, n.d.). The different between small home usage and large factory requirements are experienced once a mining rig is installed. For a large factory, where there are multiple rigs, it is important to monitor the electricity costs whereas for small home users, electricity cost is not that big a deal. Hence, large factories are more likely to use alternate sources of energy, such as hydropower or geothermal power. Further, large factories also have to bear additional cost in acquiring racks for multiple machines and connectors, which are required to tether all the machines together. Further, factories also have to employ additional staff members to take care of maintain of all their machines because the rigs can get very hot while mining and can malfunction (Redman, 2017). The cost and viability of mining cryptocurrencies A lot of people argue that mining cryptocurrencies is not cost effective as it requires heavy investment and operational cost while the return on investment is not generally that high. On an average, building a mining rig or even purchasing a branded mining rig can involve an investment of US $2000, which is just the beginning. In order to increase the chances of success, cryptocurrency miners have to use highly powerful machines, which can involve even more cost. In technical terms, the mining power of a mining rig is measured in terms of hash rate, which is also defines as the rate at which a PC can solve a problem. More are the miners in the cryptocurrency network, higher is the complexity and higher is the hash rate required. Thus, miners have to continuously upgrade their hardware to increase the hash rate of their machines. In a recent research conducted by Tomaso Aste, a professor of complexity sciences, it was discovered that the cost of completing a block in the blockchain is around $10,000, which is far less than the amount earned for discovering a block (Higgins, 2016). Cryptocurrency mining was immensely profitable in its early days but the growth of miners in the bitcoin network have scaled up the complexity and at present, only those miners that have large setups and super powerful PCs, can actually extract cryptocurrencies. On the other hand, for the miners with limited power resources and small setups, the expenses on electricity are much more than what they can earn from cryptocurrency mining (Tuwiner, 2017). Furthermore, with the completion of every block and with every new miner in the network, the cost of cryptocurrency mining will increase because of the increase in complexity. Therefore, the viability of mining bitcoins is largely dependent on the cost of electricity consumed in the mining process. The threat of cryptocurrencies to hard currency banks A number of people who have invested heavily in cryptocurrencies are of the view that cryptocurrencies are the future of currency and will outdate hard currencies sooner or later. People are eagerly waiting for cryptocurrencies to be accepted by governments throughout the world but it will not come easy. For the entire globe to accept cryptocurrencies as a legal currency or a centralised system, a cryptocurrency would need to be a potential reserve currency. For any cryptocurrency to pose a real threat to the hard currency banks or the US Dollar, it would first have to be held by the central banks of all countries so that it can be used by them to pay off their international debts. Furthermore, it will also be important that certain assets and commodities, like crude oil, are priced in a particular cryptocurrency (Mannarino, 2017) For a cryptocurrency to become a reserve currency, it would require a large scale revolution that will have an impact on the entire globe, which seems to be impossible as of now. Further, the use of cryptocurrencies by cyber criminals and hackers is also alarming the policy makers and cyber security experts. Cryptocurrencies are being used to accept ransoms and to carry out illegal online activities because payments made through cryptocurrencies do not leave a trail behind them and are more like black money. Therefore, a lot of countries are not in the favour of using cryptocurrencies and are opposing its use as a reserved currency. Thus, the threat of cryptocurrencies to hard bank currencies is not that severe for the time being. The criminal usage of cryptocurrencies The rate at which cryptocurrencies are grabbing attention in the global market is creating an alarming situation for cybersecurity organisations. Virtual money can be stolen by hackers and thieves, which they can use to fund criminal businesses or other illegal activities. A number of reports also suggest that even though stealing cryptocurrencies can be easy for the criminals, but spending them is hard. One of the biggest advantage of using cryptocurrencies is that they allow users to carry out anonymous transactions and as there are millions of transactions taking place every day, it becomes difficult to identify the users most of the time. There is an opportunity for hackers and criminals to steal cryptocurrency and even demand a ransom in term of cryptocurrencies. For example, a group of hackers was able to hack into the HBO network and systems and started leaking their classified information online. In order to stop the menace, they asked for a ransom in the form of bitcoins (FP Staff, 2017). In the recent times, some hackers have also been able to alter the destination addresses of several transactions, which resulted into the cryptocurrencies being mysteriously disappearing and getting deposited into mystery wallets being controlled by them (Reiff, 2017). Even though it is difficult for certain organisations to steal cryptocurrencies as it required a lot of technical capabilities, the threat of criminal activities resulting due to cryptocurrency theft is real and increasing. Interest of the Chinese government in cryptocurrencies China is one country where the trading and usage of cryptocurrencies was booming like anything. Some people are also of the view that China and Japan are largely the reasons behind the worldwide success of cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies gained popularity in China because of the stringent control of the yuan that the Chinese government exercised. The government frequently devaluates its currency for trading purposes. As the private wealth in China grew, individuals found it a better proposition to invest their money in cryptocurrencies as they are more stable and would not receive fluctuations as does their paper currency. Further, China offers cheap electricity and hardware, which is actually an obvious competitive edge in the cryptocurrency mining process (Ward, 2017). In China, majority of the citizens do not have access to banking services, which motivates the use of cryptocurrencies even more. The government of China finds cryptocurrency as an efficiency proposition because the transactions can be traced and can be used to fight corruption in the country (Reiff, 2017). The interest of the Chinese government and people is creating an alarming situation throughout the world. If sources are to be b elieved, then the Wall Street is taking steps to implement usage of cryptocurrency systems by next year. On the other hand, a town is Switzerland has already begun to accept payments in terms of bitcoins. References Blockgeeks, n.d. What is Cryptocurrency: Everything You Need To Know [Ultimate Guide]. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 4 October 2017]. McGoogan, C. Field, M., 2017. What is cryptocurrency, how does it work and why do we use it?. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 4 October 2017]. Bajpai, P., 2017. The 6 Most Important Cryptocurrencies Other Than Bitcoin. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 4 October 2017]. Tuwiner, J., 2017. What is Bitcoin Mining?. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 4 October 2017]. Cryptosource, n.d. Part 1: Hardware Requirements. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 4 October 2017]. Redman, J., 2017. Things to consider when starting a bitcoin mining operation. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 4 October 2017]. Higgins, S., 2016. At $400 Million a Year, Academic Argues Bitcoin Mining Worth the Cost. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 4 October 2017]. Tuwiner, J., 2017. Is Bitcoin Mining Profitable or Worth it in 2017?. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 4 October 2017]. Mannarino, G., 2017. Are Cryptocurrencies Really a Threat To The US Dollar?. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 4 October 2017].FP Staff, 2017. HBO hack: Studio won't bow down to ransom demand or engage with hackers. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 4 October 2017]. Reiff, N., 2017. Criminals Are Too Stupid to Use Cryptocurrency: EU Report. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 4 October 2017]. Ward, T., 2017. China and Japan are largely responsible for cryptocurrency's success. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 4 October 2017]. Reiff, N., 2017. Chinese Government is Developing its Own Cryptocurrency. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 4 October 2017].

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Children and Young People Workforce

Question: Describe the existing relationships between your own setting and their partner organisations. Use this to illustrate the opportunities and challenges you face in meeting needs of children and young people (with reference to theory, policy and covering all learning outcomes? Answer: Introduction: This paper will discuss the effect of policy, legislation and initiative on the basis of workforce landscape which is known for challenging and changing the current work environment. Its intended to support the knowledge development and understanding the practices of the current work and common culture which delivers towards the integrated work sector. The outcomes which discussed here are the processes of safeguarding, risk management and the transition processes of the services. We will further focus on the policies and laws which are relevant to the children and young peoples workforce and will also discuss about the services and roles which everyone have to perform. The government perspective behind this workforce services, is to help the young children to reach their potential at the fullest, so that they could start representing the challenging aspects. Policy and law relevant to the children's and young people's workforce: The young people and children Right to Action has one of the fundamental principle, that is the, people working with young people and children must have appropriate set of skills, services and competences which can be used towards getting conventional right of childrens. This approach is reinforced under the concept of strong partnership in order to get better outcome and it come under the Children Act 2004. Under this Act, statutory framework has been provided to the agencies to take a joint approach to plan services, to make them as effective as possible. Under this law staff training is must and it is also the basic aspects of framework for making effective arrangements in order to safeguard and promote welfare of the children. This can be achieved by gathering the people from special services or from the multi-agency system which are based geographically (David Holman, 2003). In order to develop a strategy that cuts across traditional sectors and department nationally, it is impo rtant to examine policy across all departments of Government for any positive or negative impact on the strategy of children and young people workforce. Under the section 3 of Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 it has been constituted that, the workplace where the young people and children workforce is involved should have to provide intense care towards them. One member should be appointed to ensure that the people working under any organization are getting all safety measures and they should not be expose towards any type of risks. Along with proper quality of training and qualification requirements should be underpinned, suitable candidates should be carefully selected and commitment of people attending it to develop themselves. The work of the potential leaders and managers, which are working with young children and people should be taken into consideration including the volunteers, community and private sector (Tassoni, Beith, Bulman and Griffin, 2010) this will endeavour and encourage them . It is very much important when a child feel unsafe at the workplace, then it is the responsibility of others to understand his problem and further make him feel comfortable, so he feel safety around himself. Services and roles within the children's and young people's workforce: The one aspect which always comes along with young children or toddlers is that it is ponderous to provide them safe environment and protecting them from any significant harm (Lindon, 2008). For supporting inter-agency training, government has commissioned various centers of training. These training centers include safeguarding the children-a shared responsibility and it supports statutory guidance implementation. Out of all their main purpose is to prepare all staff for getting their responsibilities and roles. The framework, Every Child Matters provide guidance and reminds us that all those people which comes in contact with the children including their families during every day working schedule, also including the practitioner who obviously have specific role towards safeguarding children, also have the duty to promote children welfare (Walker, 2011). Hence the practitioners in early years are the most important adults that young children mostly come into contact with. They play an important role and can provide services in creating atmosphere which affect the childrens experience of being cared, listened and also get valued and guided. The best role played institutes are schools which probably play an important role towards childrens best interest and unfortunately sometimes neglecting their interest. The purpose behind the services and roles for the children and young peoples workforce is to help out the young people of the country reach their full potential, also make them capable to represent their challenging aspect (Axline, 1971). For finding the proper solutions on it government and mass media are debating and fixed this issue. The program Every Child Matters had been selected for showing effect and real benefits of it for entire community. It is also an important and integrated part of child care and also a protective law. Government and mass media both proposed these issues on grand level. The governments primary intention is acting towards the interest of children and young people. Hence they focus towards professionalizing the youth workforce. Safeguarding procedures and the management of risk: Everyone who works with children and young peoples workface must have safe hands while working with them and also have to aware about their responsibilities for the sake of safeguarding them and also make them understanding the their risk management and what to do about their concerns if any (Department of Health, 2003). The concerns were highlighted in the government report and the purpose of this guidance report is to make sure that all members of the workforce should know about their responsibilities regarding to childs welfare concern. It is very much vital that in order to safeguarding child from the situation where they are suspecting at risk of harm, everyone in workforce should understand their responsibilities. According to the Children Act 2004 of statutory guidance under section 11, it is law that staff training is must and it is also basic aspects of framework for making effective arrangements in order to safeguard and promote welfare of child. Single and multi-agency training is involved in it. It is the statutory responsibility of Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCBs) to ensure that in order to meet staff local needs, single agency and inter-agency training on safeguarding and promoting children welfare is provided. This has been achieved effectively if the board members of LSCBs take training responsibility of the skilled staff group in terms of promoting this development and training work. For supporting inter-agency training government has commissioned various resources of training which include safeguarding the children-a shared responsibility and it supports statutory guidance implementation and its purpose is to prepare all staff for getting their responsibilities and roles. The work published to increase staffs understanding about development of children and how to know that the child unable to get their developmental milestone is in the material named as Developing World of Child (2007). This knowledge initiates working with children and their families. If it has been noticed that children are facing significant harm then under section 47 of the Children Act 1989, the Local authority have can take action in order to secure and promote children welfare. Process of transition between services:- In order to determine people needs, providing early responses, required special skills at appropriate situations, are essential roles played by Universal services (Elliott and Kilpatrick, 2002). The universal service places such as schools, colleges, hospitals and youth clubs, identified members of workforce should be there, intended to perform specific responsibilities. Also to assess specific needs of children and young ones, the volunteers should have required skills and capacity. This can be achieved by gathering the people from special services or from the multi-agency system which are based geographically. As we take an example, in England, along with all children, the members of the children and young peoples workforce work for overall betterment of them. Many provide universal services such as educational and care support in early age of children, health care in the primary, maternity, accidental and emergency cases (Lindon, 2003). All people working in children and young people workforce, including the people working in voluntary sector should have to get access towards activities related to training and qualifications. Reference List: Holman, D. (2003), The new workplace: a guide to the human impact of modern working practices, 450 pages, page 219; Tassoni, P., Beith, K., Bulman, K., Griffin, S. (2010) Children and Young Peoples Workforce. Early Learning and childcare. Level 3 Diploma. Essex: Heinemann. Walker, M. (2011) Children and Young Peoples Workforce. Early Learning and Childcare. Level 3 Diploma. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes. Axline, V. (1971) Dibs, In Search of Self: Personality Development in Play Therapy. Penguin. Department of Health (2003) What To Do If Youre Worried A Child Is Being Abused. DH. Elliott, M. and Kilpatrick, J. (2002) How to stop bullying: a Kidscape training guide. Kidscape. Lindon, J. (2003) Child Protection. 2nd Edition. Hodder Stoughton. Lindon, J. (2008) Safeguarding Children and Young People: Child Protection 0- 18Years. 3rd Edition. Hodder Education.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Medical Informatics in the Management of Diabetes Essay Example

Medical Informatics in the Management of Diabetes Paper Studies showed that the cost for quality health care increases but it is becoming inefficient when it comes to delivering service. One of the reasons for this is the cost of recordkeeping, a major component in health care. The Health Information Technology (HIT) was introduced for accurate processing of reports and to keep track of the programs and needs of the health care consumers. It will tackle problems posed by cost, access and quality. It refers to computer hardware and software that stores, retrieves and shares health care information for use by health care providers and consumers in decision making. HIT has many benefits in store for the health care system. Health care consumers will be assured that they can get the best medical goods and services from health care systems. They can cut costs while at the same time receiving the best health care there is. Diseases will also be prevented in their early stages. Storing patient medical records electronically allows for improved accuracy and privacy of records. It is easier to track individual records when needed and the health care providers can input or change data easier and faster. We will write a custom essay sample on Medical Informatics in the Management of Diabetes specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Medical Informatics in the Management of Diabetes specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Medical Informatics in the Management of Diabetes specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Besides being cost effective, storing records electronically helps doctors in making quicker and better informed decisions. The patients will also be assured that their medical records and in good hands. But this form of keeping records may be inefficient at times. A provider might input data on the wrong record. Electronic medical records are not protected, and this leads to a more serious problem. The biggest problem that seems to arise from this is on privacy. With a click of the mouse, it is easier to look into someone’s personal health information and it can be passed around without the patient knowing it. This would make many patients vulnerable especially when their records are used for purposes other than medical. REFERENCE Sennet, Cary and Daniel Wolfson. (2006). Taming Health Care Inefficiency. Diabetes is a serious medical condition characterized by the inability of the body to regulate glucose levels in the blood. In Type 1, which is usually childhood onset, the pancreas does not produce insulin, a hormone that is necessary for cells to absorb glucose and utilize it for metabolism. In the more common and usually adult onset Type 2, the body produces insulin but at insufficient levels or cells in the body have a reduced sensitivity to the hormone, hence unable to absorb insulin (American Diabetes Association, 2008). The high glucose levels or hyperglycemia in diabetics is the primary cause for life threatening complications which include heart disease, kidney failure, nerve damage, damage to blood vessels, necrosis in the extremities resulting in amputation, stroke, ketoacidosis leading to diabetic coma and prolonged emptying of gastric contents (American Diabetes Association, 2008). Diabetes also significantly increases the risks to developing glaucoma, cataracts and if unmanaged, eventually leads to blindness. The treatment for diabetes is a complex process which involves resolving the high blood glucose levels, preventing minor complications from becoming full blown, managing symptoms and major complications as well as instituting appropriate lifestyle changes. Medications and insulin shots, regular retinopathy and urine ketone tests, continuous blood glucose monitoring, diet and exercise and proper foot care are some of the treatment methods (Schaffer, 2008). Because there is currently no cure for the disease and treatment is both rigorous and long term, diabetics need to learn self-monitoring skills for ketones and blood glucose levels, self-administration of insulin and medications, how to buy and store diabetes supplies as well as weight and nutrition management in order to avert emergency conditions (Schaffer, 2008). When serious complications arise, these are usually treated through intensive medications, surgery and kidney transplants in the event of irreversible kidney damage. Current Equipment Used by Diabetics There are classes of equipment that are currently being used by diabetics and their caregivers in treating the disease. Bio signals, biomedical devices, insulin pumps, continuous glucose monitoring devices, insulin pens and pumps, retinopathy screening machines, blood glucose monitors, lancets and lancing devices are such equipment where most can be used in the home setting and limit the need for daily visits to the health care facility while providing effective treatment. Insulin pumps, such as the MiniMed Paradigm ® 722, are devices consisting of a computer, a pump with insulin supply and a catheter inserted into the abdominal fat of a diabetic (Hurd, 2007). They are meant to replace individual insulin shots and allow greater control over insulin dosage to fit one’s activity, food intake and glucose levels. Dosage information is entered into the computer which pumps the exact amount through the catheter. Insulin pens, like the HumaPen ® LUXURAâ„ ¢ HD, are used to self-administer insulin and have pre-filled cartridges of up to 300 units, a needle at one end, a plunger at the other and look like pen markers (Douglass, 2008). Indicators in the pen provide information as to the range of doses that can be administered, amount of insulin left, the date/time/dosages of insulin taken recently or how to fix wrong dosage instructions. The MiniMed Paradigm ® REAL-Time Continuous Glucose Monitoring System is a small device composed of glucose sensors, a transmitter, an alarm and a small computer that are continually attached to the abdomen (Minimed. com, 2008). The sensors transmit a blood glucose measurement per minute that transmitted and displayed on the computer screen as well as mean measurements per 5 minutes, glucose level trends and their direction. Abnormal glucose levels trigger the alarm. Blood glucose monitors may either come as blood glucose meters such as PocketChem EZ or chemical test strips which are visually compared to a color chart to obtain a reading. Glucose meters require a test strip and a lancet. A drop of blood is smeared on the strip to be fed into the meter which supplies a measurement (Douglass, 2008). PocketChem EZ can store more than 200 downloadable test results with time and dates indicated. A lancet is a metal with a needle like end used to prick the finger or alternative sites in the body to obtain minute amounts of blood for testing and are held in lancing devices to facilitate usage. An example is the Vitalcare Lancet Device which looks like a pen and uses Vitalcare lancets or other standard lancets (Douglass, 2008). The sterile lancet is placed in a holder inside the pen and slight pressure directed at the trigger will release it. A digital retinal camera such as the Canon CF-1 is used for retinopathy or diabetic eye disorder screening. After eye drops are applied to enlarge the patient’s pupils, high resolution diagnostic images of the posterior portion of the eyes are obtained for analysis (Canon. com, 2008). The CF-1 comes with a Retinal Imaging Control Software and conforms to the Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine interface allowing images to be integrated into other image management systems as well as allows the device to connect to various network configurations (Canon. com, 2008). Biosignals are any measurable electrical and non-electrical signals in the human body while biomedical devices entail the use of living organisms and their processes in the treatment of disease (Singh, 2006). An application with regards to diabetes is the technique of attaching a pouch which contains transplanted insulin-producing cells into large veins where they can proliferate and yield much needed insulin (Kanaujia, 2007). Modern Technologies Used in the Treatment of Diabetes With the wealth of data that a diabetic has to contend with in dealing with his/her condition, organizational tools are necessary in order to generate accurate, useful and timely information for a more efficient and effective self-management of the disease in coordination with her health care team. For instance, the diabetic has to acquire information regarding the anticipated effects of foods she plans to eat or activities she wants to engage in on her glucose levels. The diabetic then has to calculate the dosage of insulin that she should receive and when. She may have other medications that have their own dosage instructions. She also has regular schedules for urine tests and retinal screening. She has to keep tabs of her supply of insulin, lancets and test strips. She has to regularly monitor her glucose levels, vitals signs and her weight. She has to adhere to physician recommended foot care and other treatments. Advances in the field of medical informatics has allowed for the integrated use of information, communication and medical technologies in managing patient data and has enhanced many other facets of health care. However, medical informatics does not only benefit the health care team but also individual patients such as diabetics. The diffusion of technology allowed systems and devices to be adapted and manufactured for patient use. A set of managerial tools that collectively work to enable a much simpler but more precise diabetes self-management is the Diabetes Pilotâ„ ¢. It is a software designed and tested by diabetics to replace the conventional method of manually writing down data onto paper and has three versions – the Diabetes Pilot Desktop, the Diabetes Pilot for Palm Handhelds and the Diabetes Pilot for Pocket PC (diabetespilot. com, 2007). The Diabetes Pilotâ„ ¢ enables patients to log various data such as their glucose level readings, compliance with their insulin and other drug regimens, meals taken per day, fitness workouts accomplished, blood pressure measurements, results of routine tests as well as other pertinent information into reports (diabetespilot. com, 2007). The Medication Totals report, Exercise Totals report and the Blood Pressure List report are examples of listings of different data categories. The software also provides a database containing information on the nutritive values of thousands of foods and through the Meal Listing and Daily Food Summary reports, aids the diabetic in determining the amount of carbohydrates, calories, fats, proteins, fiber, sodium, cholesterol, vitamins and other minerals they obtained from individual meals or from all meals taken during the day (diabetespilot. com, 2007). This provides for an effective way of establishing and maintaining a diet suitable for the diabetic. Like the MiniMed Paradigm ® REAL-Time Continuous Glucose Monitoring System, the Diabetes Pilotâ„ ¢ also features tabular or graphical representations of blood glucose level pattern in order for the diabetic to easily perceive the direction of such patterns and adjust her insulin dosages or medications accordingly. Mean measurements by hour, by day or by month can also be calculated as well as the highest and lowest readings taken. Options regarding what system the diabetic wishes to use to categorize data are also available and aimed at establishing significant trends in self care over a period of time. Because the Diabetes Pilotâ„ ¢ is not meant to replace physician care entirely with self-care, all records made by the diabetic can be communicated to her health care team for evaluation and further recommendations using a variety of methods. A similar product but only applicable to Palm PDA is the Universal Tracking System (UTS) Diabetes Palm PDA software. Among its features, data can be transformed into MS Excel format and has an E-mail Report application so that the patient can send the file to her physician (Universal Tracking System, 2007). Automatic calculation of insulin dosage based on glucose measurement is also accomplished. Aside from allowing data entry, the UTS can turn out a summary of the reports and interactive graphical representation of data which will enhance patient and physician decision making with regards to dosage adjustments. Color coding also effectively indicates if the glucose level is normal, high or low and in mg/dL or mmol/L units (Universal Tracking System, 2007). A similar database of food but also includes medications and insulin types is further provided. Medical Informatics’ Areas of Interest in the Treatment of Diabetes The largely fragmented health care system allows for many weaknesses with regards to caring for diabetic patients in that efforts are largely centered on acute conditions and serious complications rather than on chronic disease management. This poses significant challenges even for those in the area of medical informatics. In response, successful efforts have been made to develop a diabetes registry population management application aimed at integrating the chronic disease registry (an informatics system) into the clinical workflow (Zai et. al. , 2008). In terms of decision support, efforts have also been made in developing a model system for classifying knowledge in the area of insulin regimen specifications and dose adjustment in consideration of such factors as diabetes type, patient age, current treatment, glucose profile, physical activity, food intake and desirable blood glucose control Gogou et. al. , 2001). When a physician makes a decision, he relies on practice, intuition and knowledge. However, a knowledge classification system will enhance and standardize decision-making. With available organizational tool devices for diabetic patients, the need to integrate patient derived data into her medical records in the hospital’s EMR system is imminent. One such project is the Informatics for Diabetes Education and Telemedicine (IDEATel). Patients are equipped with a specialized computer called the Home Telemedicine Unit (HTU) with the following: 1. a video camera and microphone for videoconferencing with physicians, 2. a home glucose monitoring device which directly uploads readings, 3. accessibility of the patients’ self-derived medical data, and 4. patient access to educational websites (Starren, et. al. , 2006). With regards to diagnosing diabetic retinopathy via digital retinal cameras, the accuracy of human visual analysis can be increased with the aid of computers. The presence of fluids in the macular region of the eye is a major indicator of retinopathy and its detection is a significant diagnostic activity wherein computers may extend assistance (Walter, Klein, Massin and Erginay, 2002). An algorithm for exudate detection is currently in use which employs the characteristic high grey level variation and contours of exudates with the optic disc as point of reference (Walter, Klein, Massin and Erginay, 2002). Finally, biosignaling is also an important concern of medical informatics. In a recently developed application known as the Emer-Loc, emergency medical situations for diabetic patients may be speedily responded to from the use of location-based biosignaling (Maglogiannis and Hadjiefthymiades, 2007). The system employs sensors affixed to the patients body, a micro-computing unit which processes sensor readings and a central monitoring unit to coordinate data flow (Maglogiannis and Hadjiefthymiades, 2007). Global positioning system (GPS) is used to locate the patient if her signals correspond to an emergency condition. List of References American Diabetes Association (2008). Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. Retrieved 27 October 2008 from http://www. diabetes. org/type-1-diabetes/treatment-conditions. jsp. BD diabetes. com (2008). Insulin Pens. Retrieved 27 October 2008 from http://www. bddiabetes. com/US/main. aspx? cat=1id=254. Childrenwithdiabetes. com (2005). Auto-Lancet Adjustable. Retrieved 27 October 2008 from http://www. childrenwithdiabetes. com/d_06_2a7. htm. Diabetespilot. com (2008). Diabetes Pilot: Information Management for People with Diabetes. Retrieved 27 October 2008 from http://www. diabetespilot. com/index. php? ref=5gclid=CPiG5b2TwpYCFQeO1Qodm iMAzg. Douglass, K. (2008). New Products. Diabetes Forecast 2008 Resource Guide. Retrieved 27 October 2008 from http://www. diabetes. org/uedocuments/df-rg-new-products- 0108. pdf. Gogou, G. , Maglaveras, N. , Ambrosiadou, B. V. , Goulis, D. and Pappas, C. (2001). â€Å"A Neural Approach in Diabetes Management by Insulin Administration†. Journal of Medical Systems 2(25): 119-131. Retrieved 27 October 2008 from http://portal. acm. org/citation. cfm? id=609076. Hurd, R. (2007). Insulin Pump. Retrieved 27 October 2008 from http://www. nlm. nih. gov/ /ency/imagepages/18035. htm. Kanaujia, M. (2007). New Device to Treat Diabetes and Fulminant Liver Failure. Retrieved 27 October 2008 from http://www. medgear. org/page/4/. Maglogiannis, I. and Hadjiefthymiades, S. (2007). EmerLoc: Location-Based Services for Emergency Medical Incidents. International Journal of Medical Informatics 76(10): 747-759. Retrieved 27 October 2008 from http://www. find-health-articles. com/rec_pub_16949860-emerloc-location-based-services-emergency-medical-incidents. htm. Minimed. com (2008). MiniMed Paradigm Real-Time System. Retrieved 27 October 2008 from http://www. minimed. com/products/insulinpumps/components/minilink. html. Schaffer, A. (2008). New York Times Health Guide: Diabetes. Retrieved 27 October 2008 from http://health. nytimes. com/health/guides/disease/diabetes/overview. html. Singh, V. (2006). Introduction to Biosignals. Retrieved 27 October 2008 from http://www. ee. unimelb. edu. au/ISSNIP/multimedia/events/workshop22_09_06_final. p df. Starren, J. , Hilliman, C. , Weinstock, R. S. , Shea, S. and IDEATel Consortium (2006). â€Å"Theater Style Demonstration: The Informatics for Diabetes Education and Telemedicine (IDEATel) Project†. American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium Proceedings 2006. Retrieved 27 October 2008 from http://www. pubmedcentral. nih. gov/articlerender. fcgi? artid=1839417. Universal Tracking System (2007). UTS Diabetes Palm PDA Software. Retrieved 27 October 2008 from http://www. utracksys. com/plugins/diabetes/? ref=gaw_soft. Walter, T. , Klein, J. , Massin, P. and Erginay, A. (2002). â€Å"A Contribution of Image Processing to the Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy†. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 10(21): 1236- 1243. Retrieved 27 October 2008 from http://cat. inist. fr/? aModele=afficheNcpsidt=14504609. Zai, A. H. , Grant, R. W. , Estey, G. , Lester, W. T. , Andrews, C. T. , Yee, R. et. al. (2008). â€Å"Lessons From Implementing a Combined Workflow-Informatics System for Diabetes Management†. JAMIA 15: 524-533. Retrieved 27 October 2008 from http://www. jamia. org/cgi/content/short/15/4/524.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Vince Lombardi Essays

Vince Lombardi Essays Vince Lombardi Paper Vince Lombardi Paper Vince Lombardi is regarded as one of the most legendary and greatest coaches of all time. Not only did he create winning teams, his philosophy and motivational skills were key factors to his success as a high school, college, and professional football coach. Vince was Italian and grew up in Brooklyn. His father owned a meat shop, and he made sure that Vince was a responsible young man and had him do work for him when he was not in school. Much of Vines philosophy and discipline as a coach was learned from his father in his younger years. His father told him as a young man that There was only one right and wrong, and he believed that you only did the right thing all the time (OBrien, 1987, p. 23). Vince began playing football at the age of 15 and later got a scholarship to play at Fordham university. Although he did not have much playing time at the beginning of his career because there were players who had priority over him and the fact that he incurred several injuries in college football. He was among the linemen that became known as the Seven Blocks of Granite in his later college years. Vince believed in winning, and did not ever take losing lightly. While he was In college, he did well, but not above average In academics. He was a devout Catholic, and he did spend many hours studying to Improve his academic scores. After Fordham, Vince played on several semi-professional football teams, but his small stature did not prove him to be a successful football player in the pros. Afterward, he accepted a Job as an assistant football coach at SST. Cecilia High School in Englewood, New Jersey. This was the start of a long coaching career that would prove Vince Lombardi to be one of the greatest coaches in history. Vince was a oddball coach and teacher at SST. Cecilia High School from 1939 to 1947, Although he had never had any coaching or teaching experience. He felt this was his time to prove himself successful. Although he was only an assistant coach, he worked hard with head coach Andy Paula and together they formed a very successful football team. Vince used the same philosophy that his father taught him about when you do something, do it right the first time. He learned quickly that young athletes needed more time to let the plays and facts of the game sink in, so he had to adjust his expectations to their level. He lacked patience and often scolded players for making mistakes, but would always apologize and praise them privately. He had a burning desire to make his players successful and perfect in playing. A sportswriter once wrote that he demands perfection and gets it because his boys are willing to work for and with him (p. 59). In the classroom, Vince was very organized and demanding just as he was in practice. Although he wanted to move at a fast pace, Vince stated that he learned in the classroom that you cant travel faster than your slowest pupil (OBrien, p. 59). In 1942, Paula resigned as head coach leaving Vince to take over the team and have a shot at his first head coaching job in football. Although many had doubts as well as Vince himself, he took his first team to a winning season. His great preparation and innovative ideas of the game helped lead his team to many victories. Vince took an authoritarian approach to coaching the high school players. He told them that as long as he did the thinking and they did exactly what he told them to do then they would win. He had the mind of a winner and he made sure his players Ana ten same easels to win as nee 10 Vince Ana a willing record every year he coached the Saints of SST. Cecilia. Finally, he got a better offer to be assistant football coach and director of Physical Education at his alma mater, Fordham University. At Fordham, Vince worked under Deed Downward. Vince had hoped to learn a lot from him, but instead he ended up teaching himself most things he learned about football at the college level. Fordham lost all but one game that season and Vince was not happy with the lackadaisical approach Downward took toward coaching his players. The next year Vince became the offensive coach, and instead of working with Downward, he began to teach the players new plays to improve their game. Also, he took it upon himself to learn from many of the best coaches in football by meeting them at clinics or even talking to them on the phone. His desire for learning all aspects of the game showed that he had a strong will to coach football. Vince was very determined for his team to be successful and he knew he had to do whatever it took to find a way for them to win. Vince left Fordham in 1948 after only two years of coaching because of the corrupt businessmen trying to fire the head coach and replacing him with Vince without him knowing. In 1949, Vince got an offer to become an assistant coach at the U. S. Military Academy at West Point. At West Point, Vince worked under Colonel Earl Black. Black helped Vince to develop more of a coaching philosophy. He taught Vince that as long as you keep it simple, but repeatedly practice each play, that the team would succeed. Black was a coach that had the strong desire to win as well. While Vince was there, he worked long periods of time with no vacation. The coaches spent many hours after practice and games to analyze each and every aspect of their players as well as watch videos of other teams to understand how to defend them in a game situation. Together, they made a great pair because they worked so hard to fulfill their desires of winning. The team endured great success until in 1951, the Academy expelled 90 students, including 32 of the football players for cheating. This devastated the coaches and the team. Although they had a tough following year, they bounced back and won the east championship the next year. Although the team seemed to be on a new path to success once again, Vince took a Job as an assistant coach at the professional level for the New York Giants in 1958. Before Vines arrival at the New York Giants, the team was losing and the then coach was replaced with Jim Lee Howell. Vince was hired as the offensive coordinator of the team and along with Tom Laundry, helped the New York Giants overcome their slump and did not have a losing season throughout his entire career. Vince had to make several adjustments to perform his coaching effectively at the professional level. To sharpen his skills, he watched endless amounts of film and even became close with the team players to learn each of their strengths and weaknesses. Although Vince loved his Job with the New York Giants he till longed for the head coaching title he felt he deserved. He received that title in 1958 when he was hired as the head football coach of the Green Bay Packers in Wisconsin. Green Bay was known for its loyal fans and the recent poor performance of the team caused the management to find a new head coach. After much research and many interviews, they believed that Vince Lombardi, with his strong desire and confidence to win and his great coaching abilities, was the perfect selection. The Packers Ana to aureole their self-confidence. Most of the players were rumored to be wild and uncaring award their team and their fans. When Vince arrived for practice, he showed them that he meant business and laid down rules for them the first day. Those who did not play by his rules and did not display their full ability to practice to perfection, were not allowed to play for his team. Vince was famous for his exceptional pep talks. Also, his players knew he was the single reason for their newfound success. Linebacker Tom Betties stated that they were not expected to win in earlier games, but that with Vince We were trained to win. The the whose psychology was aimed that way. We got inference and spirit and we did win (OBrien, p. 151). During his reign at head coach at Green Bay, he led the team to six division titles, five NFG championships, and two Super Bowls. By instilling confidence in his players and showing them that they had what it took to win, he formed one of the best football teams for years to come. Vince had become a legend in town, and everyone thought he was one of the greatest coaches ever. Vince retired from Green Bay in 1967. Two years after his retirement, Vince decided to come out of retirement and became the head coach of the Washington Redskins. After leading them to a winning season in 1969, he found out that he had intestinal cancer in 1970 and passed away ten weeks later in September. Many people came for his funeral and many of his former players that had a tough appearance wept openly and mourned his death. Vince had left behind a great legacy, and had set the standards of excellence for professional football for years to come. While some of Lombardi coaching techniques and philosophy are similar to mine, there are also several differences. Vince had a loud, echoing voice and often lost his temper when he became impatient. On the other hand, have a lower voice and try to stay calm at all times. I would not want to be too overpowering to discourage players. He believed in criticizing players publicly and giving praise privately. As a coach, I would praise the players to give them more confidence in themselves. Instead of criticizing each player, I would recommend tips on how to improve and practice routines that ended in mistakes over and over. Vince had a strong will to win and used every resource possible to be able to improve his teams performance. I would do the same such as talk to other experienced coaches, watch films, and attend clinics and sports camps to become a more successful coach. Just as Lombardi, no matter what the situation may be, I will always have confidence in myself as a coach. Being confident in what he did as a coach was the reason for most of his success. I hope to one day be Just as level headed, organized, successful, and have the same burning desire to win as a volleyball coach as Vince Lombardi was as a football coach. Reference Page OBrien, Michael. (1987). Vince: A Personal Biography of Vince Lombardi. New York: Morrow.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Open Systems Theory (OD) Analysis for Deckers Outdoor Corporation Research Paper

Open Systems Theory (OD) Analysis for Deckers Outdoor Corporation - Research Paper Example Through various planning, management and management, the firm has become popular across the US and other global parts. However, the company has recently encountered several challenges, forcing the company to incur various losses. Therefore, this manuscript will mull over these challenges and thereby discuss various organization diagnostic models that the firm can employ in resolving these challenges. Brief Overview of Deckers Outdoor Corporation The firm set off in 1973, with Doug Otto running it during its inception in Goleta, California. During its inception, the firm used to manufacture sandals. However, the company has grown to international level, distributing its products to diverse kinds of retailers. These include departmental stores and outlet stores among others (Latimer, 2012). Besides, the firm makes direct sales to its customers. The firm has independent distributors across Europe, Canada, Latin America, as well as Asia. It has also formed a union with Stella Internation al Holdings for the sale of UGG brand in China. The firm manufactures well-designed trendy shoes that sell across leading countries worldwide. Challenges facing the firm Counterfeit is a significant challenge that the firm is experiencing. China is the key source of these products. These counterfeits have significantly affected the UGG brand. Survey shows that the authorities impounded nearly 600 000 products, while the firm litigated over 2000 websites that sold falsified Deckers products (Latimer, 2012). These products were of low quality as contrasted to Deckers products, and thereby cheaper. This posed a considerable threat in the high profit realization of the firm, as well as company’s image. Besides, the country faces brand name controversies with various firms in Australia and Europe. These firms claim to have the sole ownership of the UGG brand. As such, there have been various court proceedings over the ownership of the brand, particularly in Australia where Uggs-n- Rugs sold their footwear item under this brand (Latimer, 2012). However, the firm still sells shoes to Australia under the brand. Additionally, various reviewers argue that the brand shoes have significant effects on animals. These critics claim that they contribute significantly towards the extinction of some animals (Latimer, 2012). As a result, they campaign against the purchase of these products, thereby compelling the firm into severe revenue loss. Organizational Diagnosis (OD) has become basic in enhancing an organization’s success. In an endeavor to improve the organizational effectiveness, it is essential to establish its current performance level thus devising apt strategies sufficient for the modification process. The concept of diagnosis in organizations applies similarly to the medical diagnosis, whereby the doctor tests the patient, gathers all the useful information prior to prescribing the best medication for the ailment. In a similar style, the management team assembles all the critical information, conducts an analysis, before devising the most suitable intervention for the organization to undertake. The current literature on organizational performance has depicted numerous benefits of performing the OD. Some of these entail the detection of all problems present in the organization, therefore, devising suitable strategies. Identification of such information is necessary in enhancing the company’s efficiency in its performance. Force Field Analysis The first model, Force