Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Positive Adult Role Models - 1038 Words

Positive Adult Role Models Imagine living in a world where teens are doing drugs, pressuring their peers, and trying to be just like the models in magazines. Unfortunately, that’s the world we live in today. What do these teens need? They need positive adult role models. It is important for a teen to be influenced by positive adult role models while growing up; because if they don’t have positive adult role models, teens can be influenced by negative media, negative peer pressure, and teen drug use. The first reason why teens need positive adult role models is, if teens are not influenced by a positive adult role model, they will be influenced by media. First, media has had a large negative impact on the way teen girls see themselves. They don’t need media telling them they are ugly, or that they are not good enough, they need role models telling them that they are beautiful no matter what they look like. The way the internet and magazines influences girls by the sizes of actresses and mod els to believe that they have to be skinny to be beautiful, but that is not it. Beauty comes from the inside, inner beauty is the only thing that matters, and that is when the role models come in. If young girls are told that beauty is an inside thing, they’ll influence friends and future generations the same, and the epidemic on beauty will be over. Also, while teens develop, they seek greater freedom and independence. With all the negatives of media, teens go to that first. TheShow MoreRelatedPositive Role Model in the Children and Young Peoples Workforce835 Words   |  4 PagesHomework – 24/05/11 Write about what is a positive role model in children and young peoples work force and all about you and your job role. 400 words 100 words evaluation Include your qualities skills workplace policies and procedures. 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